The City of Norfolk’s street sweeping program is designed to remove pollutants such as oil, grease, nutrients, and sediment from the roadway before entering the stormwater system. It supports Norfolk’s initiative for cleaner waterways by reducing pollution and nuisance flooding, minimizing stormwater runoff, and collecting approximately 6,682 tons of debris per year.
While the goal of the program is to ensure street sweeping occurs once per month for all neighborhoods, the program is currently experiencing delays due to long lead times on equipment repairs, hiring challenges, and inclement weather. The street sweeping schedule will be temporarily revised to a quarterly rotation until equipment challenges can be addressed. Areas with enforcement signage will continue to be swept monthly, and parking enforcement will not be suspended during this time.
This dataset reflects the recent changes in the street sweeping schedule, and shows a listing of the dates that curb in front of Norfolk addresses will be swept. The dataset will be updated at the beginning of each calendar year or as the street sweeping schedule changes.